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Propeller: What would Brook think?

Peter Brook’s “The Empty Space” published in 1968, has long been a touchstone for anyone who cares about the theater. The book came up last night during Carol Rutter’s energetic talk at the UM Museum of Artabout the Propeller Theater Company and its uniquely “rough” style of performance.


Caro MacKay, Producer for Propeller, Shows Some Love for Ann Arbor Audiences

Caro MacKay, executive producer of Propeller, will zip into Ann Arbor to see her company in action, but over the weekend she was at home in London, where I reached her by phone. The former Royal Shakespeare Company producer knows us well—she was here for both the first and second RSC Ann Arbor residencies, in 2001 and 2003.


Meet Our Guest Bloggers: Leslie Stainton & Jen Leija

We’ve asked two community members, Leslie Stainton and Jen Leija, to cover all the Propeller events and report about them here. Our bloggers will have behind-the-scenes access and will bring you recaps and reporting from all of Propeller’s performances and residency activities.


Propeller: Q&A with UMS Programming Director Michael Kondziolka

For years, Michael Kondziolka, UMS’s Programming Director, has been my go-to guy for all things cultural. If Michael says see it (as he does about Propeller), I move heaven and earth to heed the call. So I asked him how Propeller caught his eye…


VIDEO: Men in Dresses! Blood & Gore! Watch the Propeller Trailers

Next week, the UK’s all-male Shakespeare troupe Propeller (led by acclaimed director Edward Hall) will be taking Ann Arbor by storm with stellar new productions of “Richard III” and “The Comedy of Errors.” The shows have been receiving rave reviews and great word-of-mouth from audiences. The video trailers for both productions are here — and they are pretty awesome.


First-Hand Report from NY: Propeller’s “The Comedy of Errors”

U-M Professor Enoch Brater is on sabbatical in New York this semester and caught an early performance of Propeller’s The Comedy of Errors at the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) last week.  …


Inside look: Bach’s Mass in b minor

Guest blogger Garrett Schumann re-contextualizes Bach’s Mass in b minor and provides an inside scoop as to what we can listen for during Bach Collegium Japan’s performance in Hill Auditorium.


UMS to Donate Proceeds from Bach Collegium Japan Concert to Earthquake Relief

The University Musical Society will donate 50% of all new ticket purchases to the Bach Collegium Japan concert on Thursday, March 24 in Hill Auditorium to the American Red Cross Japan Earthquake…


This Day in UMS History: Royal Shakespeare Company History Plays (March 10-18, 2001)

Ten years ago today, UMS audiences began a great experiment — the Royal Shakespeare Company presenting four Shakespeare History plays (Henry VI, parts i, ii, and iii, and Richard III) over the course of 27 hours with lunch and dinner breaks built in.

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