
Take Our Quiz: Which UMS Performance is the Right Valentine’s Date for You?
Take our handy Valentine’s Day quiz to find out which UMS performance in February is the right date for you.

This Day in UMS: Vladimir Horowitz
The great Russian pianist Vladimir Horowitz first performed in Ann Arbor in 1930, and then on another 8 occasions before 1953, when he began his long “intermission” from the concert stage.

UMS Night School: Bodies in Motion – Session 1 Recap
Editor’s note: This post is a part of a series of by U-M student Sarah Squillante, who’s covering our free UMS Night School: Bodies in Motion series. Learn along side with them. Lisa…

WEMU Music Director Linda Yohn on Fred Hersch
“Life is precious to Fred Hersch, and you can tell it in every single note.” We chat with Linda Yohn, music director of WEMU 89.1 FM, about the music and life of…

What do Street Dance and Ballet have in common?
Photo: Compagnie Käfig performs Correria Agwa. They perform in Ann Arbor on February 14-15, 2014. Photo by Michel Cavalca. Stand a ballerina and a break-dancer side by side and the differences are…

Student Experience: K-12 TalkOuts
Our TalkOut project for K-12 students involves speaking and listening (two core K-12 learning competencies) and creating a sharing ripple that allows the experience of a UMS School Day Performance to live…

Thinking about dance?
We’re asking our audiences to share their thoughts about dance this season. See our gallery collection of these dance post-it notes. And if you’re looking for adventure, play our UMS Adventure Card…

Behind the Scenes with Fred Hersch
Jazz pianist Fred Hersch to recommend some of his favorite jazz pianists

A Slice Of Cold War History With Kremerata Baltica
How composers were pulled into the cultural conflicts waged during the Cold War.