
UMS on TV!
Way back in January (it seems especially way back on this beautiful 63-degree day!), UMS was approached by Michigan Productions about being profiled on a TV show called “Out of the Blue”…

This Day in UMS History: Albert Spalding (March 16, 1936)
To dispel confusion: he is not the Albert Spalding who was a Hall of Fame baseball pitcher and who founded the sports equipment company. That Spalding (the pitcher) was Spalding’s (the violinist) uncle

Mahler and Me: Preparing Mahler’s Symphony No. 2 from a UMS Choral Union Perspective
As a member of the UMS Choral Union for the past three years, I have thoroughly enjoyed performing some of the great masterpieces of choral music: Handel’s Messiah, Verdi’s Requiem, and Beethoven’s…

This Day in UMS History: Artur Rubinstein (March 12, 1953)
There are a few musicians with whom I’d love to sit down and have a conversation. Bach, certainly, to ask him how he wrote such incredible counterpoint. Mozart, just to joke around with (although I also have a bone to pick with one of his doublings in the last movement of the D major K. 499 string quartet). Some I’d just be content to hear play: Paganini, for instance, or Joseph Joachim. Rubinstein fits into both categories: by all accounts his playing was arresting (certainly the recordings I’ve heard are), and, judging by his memoirs My Young Years, quite an entertaining companion as well.

Michael Tilson Thomas Conducting Master Class: Win Your Seat!
As part of the upcoming residency with the San Francisco Symphony, Michael Tilson Thomas will lead a conducting master class on Sunday, March 21 at 10am with members of Kenneth Kiesler’s U-M…

Cyro Baptista – Your donkey is safe.
In Ann Arbor last month, Cyro Baptista appeared with Luciana Souza. During the concert, he had the audience in stitches, especially when he showed why Home Depot should consider endorsing him. He…

Program Changes for March
I’m writing with some disappointing news related to the three March Chamber Arts Series concerts. We learned that violinist JULIA FISCHER is canceling her two upcoming UMS concerts, both of which were…

Spotlight on Sara Sanders
If you’ve attended a performance presented by UMS in the last three seasons, you may have seen Sara Sanders in the lobby. As UMS’s Front-of-House Coordinator, Sara manages everything that happens “in…

They say it takes a village – well my village is the UMS Usher Corps
Suzie Davidson, UMS staff member takes a moment to send a HUGE thank you to the incredible UMS Usher Corp for their generous baby shower gift.