June 9, 2017
Ken Fischer’s Retirement Party
On June 1, 2017, the anniversary of UMS President Ken Fischer’s first day on the job in 1987, we hosted Ken’s retirement celebration. View a selection of photos from the celebration below.
- Preparing for the festivities.
- Lovely UMS ambassadors…
- …and UMS staff prepare to celebrate Ken.
- Ambassador Joan Grissing with special treats!
- Mayor Christopher Taylor declares June 1, 2017 “Ken Fischer Day” in Ann Arbor…
- …and gives Ken the key to the city!
- Ken also received citations from Congresswoman Debbie Dingell, the Michigan House of Representatives, and Governor Snyder.
- Stagehands of IATSE local 395 honored Ken with a lifetime membership.
- John Reed, chair of the search committee that hired Ken, joined the retirement celebrations, too.
- Applause for Ken!
- Photographer Peter Smith, who captured many performances during Ken’s tenure, steps in front of the camera as the celebration winds down.
Photos by Jesse Meria.