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Resident Update: Painter Carolyn Reed Barritt on Six Characters

Drawing by Carolyn Reed Barritt, inspired by Théâtre de la Ville.

Painter Carolyn Reed Barritt is a UMS Artist in Residence this season. We’ve asked five artists from across disciplines to take “residence” at our performances and to share the work these performances inspire.

Carolyn attended Théâtre de la Ville’s Six Characters in Search of an Author on October 24-25, 2014. She shares her thoughts and drawings:

“Overwhelmed. That’s how I felt when the play started. I don’t speak French, so trying to watch the actors and look at the set while reading the supertitled translations filled me with dread. How was any of this going to inspire anything for me except frustration? …..Over the past few days while thinking about the play, and about conscienceness and reality, I have been working on one drawing, then another and then going back and forth between several.”

Read the full post on Carolyn’s blog

Interested in learning more? Read our interview with Carolyn.

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