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Attention Theater Lovers: Join A Play Reading Group to Read Aloud “The Cripple of Inishmaan”

Join a Play Reading Group to Read Aloud

The Cripple of Inishmaan

In March, UMS welcomes Ireland’s Druid and Atlantic Theater Company for several performances of Martin McDonagh’s dark comedy,The Cripple of Inishmaan.

UMS is forming several reading groups during the month of February to read the play aloud and get a sneak peek into the comical island community of Inishmaan. We need you! No experience necessary; just a fun-loving attitude and a willingness to try out your best Irish accent (optional!).

If this sounds fun to you (and it should – we did it here at the UMS office this summer and it was a riot!) click here to let us know when you’re available and we’ll confirm via email the time, date, and place for your group. All readings will take place in a downtown/campus location TBA.