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Kiss & Cry and Push Boundaries

UMS director of programming Michael Kondziolka on why he’s excited about the upcoming boundary-pushing film, theater, and dance work Kiss & Cry. Charleroi Danses perform Kiss & Cry at the Power Center October 10-12.

Kiss & Cry Nano Dance Contest

kiss and cry production
Photo: A scene from Kiss & Cry. Photo by Marteen Vanden Abeele.

A diverse group of Belgian artists is coming together to perform Kiss & Cry in Ann Arbor on October 10-12. The work is a blend of film, dance, text, and theater; the audience witnesses a film screened and simultaneously made in front of their eyes. Hands visually portray the main characters, as in the photo above.

The company calls these vignettes “nano dances,” and for this contest, we’re asking you to try your hand (get it?) at nano-dancing yourself.

What: A contest of nano-dances. Three winners will receive a pair of tickets to see Kiss & Cry.

How to enter: Create a nano-dance using your hands. The setting is up to you (Ann Arbor has many landmarks and picturesque locations!). Enter your dance video, or a still photo of a moment in your dance, via Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

  • On Facebook, enter by posting a photo or video on our wall. Be sure to include #umslobby in your photo description.
  • On Twitter, enter by tweeting a photo @UMSNews. Be sure to include #umslobby in your photo description.
  • On Instagram, enter by posting a photo or video with #umslobby. Note: If your account is set to “private” we won’t be able to see your entry!

Contest timeline: September 22 at 9 am – October 3 at 5 pm.

Questions? Ask them in the comments below.

For inspiration, a photo submitted by the company from a visit to France. Courtesy of the artists.


Behind the Scenes with Kiss & Cry

It’s dance. It’s theater. It’s film. Kiss & Cry seamlessly blends artistic disciplines to create a wholly unique DIY aesthetic that is captivating audiences around the world. Go behind the scenes with the group of Belgian artists who will being this production to Ann Arbor October 10-12.