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Wednesday, February 27, 2019 4:30 PM // Washtenaw Intermediate School District Teaching and Learning Center

Sound Writing: Exploring Rhythm, Reading, and Writing in Early Literacy

Educator Workshop - K-12 Programs

Numerous research studies have documented that children’s ability to hold a steady beat is critical to developing their reading fluency. This workshop introduces educators to the powerful relationship between music and fluency. First, you’ll explore skill-building activities designed to improve students’ mastery of syllabication and accent, auditory discrimination skills, visual tracking skills, and overall reading fluency. Then, you’ll learn how to read poems and children’s books with accurate rhythm and phrasing. Finally, you’ll explore how poets use musical devices, such as rhythm, rhyme, alliteration, and form, to shape and craft phrases.

This workshop is recommended for Reading Specialists, Elementary, English Language Learners, Special Education, and Music Teachers.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019 4:30 PM
Washtenaw Intermediate School District Teaching and Learning Center

Sound Writing: Exploring Rhythm, Reading, and Writing in Early Literacy

Educator Workshop - K-12 Programs

Numerous research studies have documented that children’s ability to hold a steady beat is critical to developing their reading fluency. This workshop introduces educators to the powerful relationship between music and fluency. First, you’ll explore skill-building activities designed to improve students’ mastery of syllabication and accent, auditory discrimination skills, visual tracking skills, and overall reading fluency. Then, you’ll learn how to read poems and children’s books with accurate rhythm and phrasing. Finally, you’ll explore how poets use musical devices, such as rhythm, rhyme, alliteration, and form, to shape and craft phrases.

This workshop is recommended for Reading Specialists, Elementary, English Language Learners, Special Education, and Music Teachers.

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