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STREAMING THU JUN 17 – THU JUN 24 // UMS Digital Presentation

Penny Stamps Speaker Series
Mx. Justin Vivian Bond: Tango Backwards and in High Heels

Digital Event
Pride Digital Event

Singer, song­writer and Tony-nom­i­nated per­for­mance artist Mx. Justin Vivian Bond is an Obie, Bessie and Ethyl Eichel­berger Award win­ner. V has writ­ten, directed and starred in numer­ous per­for­mances includ­ing Christ­mas Spells and the GLAAD nom­i­nated show Lus­tre. As one-half of the Per­for­mance duo Kiki and Herb, Bond has toured the world head­lin­ing at Carnegie Hall, The Syd­ney Opera House, and London’s Queen Eliz­a­beth Hall. Film cred­its include Short­bus, Fancy’s Per­sua­sion and Imag­i­nary Heroes. Tele­vi­sion appear­ances include “Ugly Betty” and “Late Night With Conan O’Brian.”

UMS Digital Presentation

Penny Stamps Speaker Series
Mx. Justin Vivian Bond: Tango Backwards and in High Heels

Digital Event
Pride Digital Event
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Streaming Now Through June 24

Singer, song­writer and Tony-nom­i­nated per­for­mance artist Mx. Justin Vivian Bond is an Obie, Bessie and Ethyl Eichel­berger Award win­ner. V has writ­ten, directed and starred in numer­ous per­for­mances includ­ing Christ­mas Spells and the GLAAD nom­i­nated show Lus­tre. As one-half of the Per­for­mance duo Kiki and Herb, Bond has toured the world head­lin­ing at Carnegie Hall, The Syd­ney Opera House, and London’s Queen Eliz­a­beth Hall. Film cred­its include Short­bus, Fancy’s Per­sua­sion and Imag­i­nary Heroes. Tele­vi­sion appear­ances include “Ugly Betty” and “Late Night With Conan O’Brian.”

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