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Thursday, January 23, 2020 11:00 AM
Friday, January 24, 2020 11:00 AM // Arthur Miller Theatre

Field Trip:
The Believers Are But Brothers

School Day Performance

School day performance for students in grades 9–12.

An electronic maze of fantasists, meme culture, 4chan, the alt-right, and ISIS. We live in a time where old orders are collapsing: from the post-colonial nation states of the Middle East to the EU and the American election. Amid all of this, a generation of young men find themselves burning with resentment, without the money and power they think they deserve. Written and performed by Javaad Alipoor and co-directed by Kirsty Housley, this multimedia show weaves together stories of three disaffected men and their journeys to radicalization, exploring the smoke and mirrors world of online extremism, anonymity, and hate speech.

Please note: This performance contains adult themes. As part of the performance, audiences will be asked to join a private WhatsApp group chat for the show (optional, but will enhance the experience).

This performance runs 65 minutes and contains strong language.

Extended Theater Residency offered.

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Thursday, January 23, 2020 11:00 AM
Friday, January 24, 2020 11:00 AM

Arthur Miller Theatre

Field Trip:
The Believers Are But Brothers

School Day Performance

School day performance for students in grades 9–12.

An electronic maze of fantasists, meme culture, 4chan, the alt-right, and ISIS. We live in a time where old orders are collapsing: from the post-colonial nation states of the Middle East to the EU and the American election. Amid all of this, a generation of young men find themselves burning with resentment, without the money and power they think they deserve. Written and performed by Javaad Alipoor and co-directed by Kirsty Housley, this multimedia show weaves together stories of three disaffected men and their journeys to radicalization, exploring the smoke and mirrors world of online extremism, anonymity, and hate speech.

Please note: This performance contains adult themes. As part of the performance, audiences will be asked to join a private WhatsApp group chat for the show (optional, but will enhance the experience).

This performance runs 65 minutes and contains strong language.

Extended Theater Residency offered.

Thank You to Our Sponsors


  • William Davidson Foundation


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