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RESULTS FOR night school (152)

First “Mavericks” – Guest Blog by Leslie Stainton
Lobby contributor Leslie Stainton guest blogs the San Francisco Symphony American Mavericks festival.
RSC Creative Residency in Ann Arbor
Next month, the Royal Shakespeare Company will visit Ann Arbor for its 2012 creative residency. During three previous, extensive residencies, presented by UMS, the RSC performed 3 history plays, a world premiere stage adaptation of Salman Rushdie's “Midnight’s Children," and “Antony and Cleopatra” and “The Tempest" starring Patrick Stewart. This residency is a working residency and a collaboration with U-M, during which the RSC will share and discuss two plays it hopes to produce during its next season. Check out these open to the public events.
Not Quite-Live-Blogging Robert Wilson and Philip Glass Conversation at the Michigan Theatre
Last night's Penny W. Stamps Speaker Series featured a conversation with Einstein on the Beach co-creators Philip Glass and Robert Wilson. Anne Bogart, acclaimed theater director, moderated the conversation. Leslie Stainton (almost) live-blogs the event.
Three Trucks, 28 Crew Members, 37 Performers: Einstein on the Beach Load-in at the Power Center
Inside the Power Center 14 days before the opening of Einstein on the Beach, it’s not immediately clear that this is, “hands down, the biggest show ever” to hit this auditorium, as UMS programming manager Mark Jacobson told me shortly before we entered the theater. But after an hour or so of listening to production manager Will Knapp talk about the challenges of mounting the giant opera here in Ann Arbor, I began to see what Jacobson meant.
Why Renegade? with Time-Warping Powers
Leslie Stainton covers the "Why Renegade?" panel and Mark Clague talks about renegades' time-warping powers.
Interested in Einstein Revival? – An Anatomy of auditioning for Einstein on the Beach
I don’t know about you, but I am a fan of Philip Glass. My iPod contains everything from his symphonies to his string quartets, his film scores and solo piano music, and of course, his operas. I listen to him in the car, while I’m cooking, while I’m thinking, at the gym… sometimes you are just in a Philip Glass kind of mood. So, you can understand why I briefly stopped breathing when I received an email from a new music-singing friend last March entitled, “Interested in Einstein Revival?”
Fifteen Minutes with Fame: The Audra McDonald Q&A
Audra McDonald performed at Hill Auditorium on Nov 4. A brief Q&A session with U-M Musical Theatre students preceded the performance. Sarah Bichsel, UMS Social Media Intern, attended and transcribed this session.
Performances for the Whole Family: Filling the master calendar with UMS events
Part of the excitement of coming back to town at the end of summer is collecting all the calendars—Ann Arbor Public School’s holiday and half-day calendar, Huron High School’s band calendar, Clague...
Top Auction Items (that you can get at this year’s On the Road!)
On the Road is an annual dinner and auction benefiting UMS Education and Community Engagement Programs, which bring arts experiences to over 25,000 students, teacher and community members yearly. The evening features...
Dispatch from Fringe
Oh goodness me!  I’m back in Edinburgh!  During the Fringe!  The largest arts festival in the world!  It’s been 9 years exactly since my last (and first) visit, when I came as...
Propeller: Was There a Doctor in the House?
You bet. In fact, there were no fewer than 35 of them at Friday night’s performance of Richard III—med students and house officers, all part of the UM Medical Arts Program, a joint UMS–UM Medical School initiative designed to enrich physician training through exposure to the arts and humanities
Tossing Grenades At Shakespeare, and other lessons from Propeller Director Ed Hall
All week long I’ve been hearing people sing the praises of Propeller director Ed Hall. Having now seen Hall up close, in a riveting exchange Thursday morning with a dozen or so BFA directing students from the UM School of Music, Theatre, and Dance, I get what everyone means.
Daily Propeller Updates: Links to all the stories from our guest bloggers
Our guest bloggers, Leslie Stainton and Jen Leija, will be blogging all week long on the UMS Lobby. I'll be compiling links here to each of their stories so that you can easily follow all their reporting from the week. Hope you enjoy! And, please, feel free to comment, because Leslie and Jen would love to hear from you.
Free Public Events with the Merce Cunningham Dance Co. This Week
Each year, we have a chance to get to know some of the artists on the UMS season a little better. We hope you'll join us this week for any of the free public residency events with the Merce Cunningham Dance Company:
UMS and the Medical Arts Program
The fall of 2010 marked the official kick-off to the Medical Arts program, a collaboration between the University of Michigan Medical School and UMS.  The goal of Medical Arts is to enhance...
Our Favorite Moments from the Season
It’s hard to believe the first half of the 10/11 season has already come to a close. What an incredible first half it was though for all of us on the UMS Staff! We thought it would be fun to share some of our favorite moments from these past few months, and we invite you to leave a comment sharing your favorite moment too!