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Faculty Spotlight: “Hair and Other Stories” in U-M Classrooms

Faculty across a variety of schools at the University of Michigan chose to integrate this engaging performance into their syllabi, exposing their students to the world of performance art and modern dance.  Below, some of these faculty discuss the impact of Hair and Other Stories on their courses and students.


March 27, 2018: Your Arts & Culture Adventure Picks

Your Southeast Michigan arts & culture adventures, curated by UMS Blogging Fellow Amanda Krugliak.


The Space Where You Used To Be

Doyle Armbrust, Chicago-based violist and member of the Spektral Quartet, explains his take on understanding Górecki’s Third Symphony movement by movement.


Artist? In Residence

This post is a part of a series of posts from UMS Artists in Residence. Artists come from various disciples and attend several UMS performances throughout the season as another source of inspiration for their work. UMS Artist in Residence Morgan Breon previously reflected on US/Them. In this post, she continues her exploration on being an “artist” and the meaning of “art.”


FRAME-ing Performance

This is not an artistic undertaking for the faint of heart.


March 9, 2018: Your Arts & Culture Adventure Picks

Your Southeast Michigan arts & culture adventures, curated by UMS Blogging Fellow Hailey Dukes.


Artist in Residence Spotlight: Making Art and Making a Point

This post is a part of a series of posts from UMS Artists in Residence. Artists come from various disciples and attend several UMS performances throughout the season as another source of inspiration…


February 21, 2018: Your Arts & Culture Adventure Picks

Your Southeast Michigan arts & culture adventures, curated by UMS Blogging Fellow Amanda Krugliak.


Video: The Gershwins’ Porgy & Bess

Considered one of the greatest operas of its time, University of Michigan’s School of Music, Theatre, & Dance details the significance of performing The Gershwins’ Porgy and Bess in concert.

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