
RENEGADE Contest – Win Tickets!
What’s a renegade to you? How do you know when a work is truly game-changing, experimental or history-making? Give us your answer in 7 words to enter to win tickets!

[VIDEO] Messiah Memories Bloopers
UMS first presented Handel’s Messiah in December of 1879. Over several weeks, we released a series of Messiah Memories webisodes from everyone involved over the years. We couldn’t resist releasing these staff bloopers.

Glimmers of Light and Dark with the London Philharmonic
The London Philharmonic’s concert this Tuesday, December 6, in Hill Auditorium, features an intriguing program of the familiar, dramatic and mystifying. With Mozart’s beloved Violin Concerto no. 5, Matthias Pintscher’s seething and…

[VIDEO] Messiah Memories: Soloists Meg Bragle and Mary Wilson
UMS first presented Handel’s Messiah in December of 1879. Over several weeks, we released a series of Messiah Memories webisodes from everyone involved over the years. In this episode, Meg Bragle (mezzo-soprano) and Mary Wilson (soprano), Messiah soloists and good friends, talk about the fun of coming back to Ann Arbor to perform in Messiah.

Q&A with Stile Antico
When we presented Stile Antico two years ago, it was one of the most talked-about events of the season. Stile Antico today is now firmly established as one of the most original and exciting new groups in the choral music world. We asked the group a few questions. Holiday Spoiler: Frosty the Snowman is involved.

[VIDEO] Messiah Memories: Megan Sajewski, resident of Martha Cook dormitory
UMS first presented Handel’s Messiah in December of 1879. In this third episode, Megan Sajewski, resident of Martha Cook dormitory, talks about co-chairing the annual Martha Cook Messiah Dinner.

Why Renegade? with Time-Warping Powers
Leslie Stainton covers the “Why Renegade?” panel and Mark Clague talks about renegades’ time-warping powers.

Interested in Einstein Revival? – An Anatomy of auditioning for Einstein on the Beach
I don’t know about you, but I am a fan of Philip Glass. My iPod contains everything from his symphonies to his string quartets, his film scores and solo piano music, and of course, his operas. I listen to him in the car, while I’m cooking, while I’m thinking, at the gym… sometimes you are just in a Philip Glass kind of mood. So, you can understand why I briefly stopped breathing when I received an email from a new music-singing friend last March entitled, “Interested in Einstein Revival?”

[VIDEO] A Q&A with Audra McDonald and U-M Musical Theatre Students
UMS presented Audra McDonald at Hill Auditorium on Nov 4 as part of the 11/12 season. Prior to the performance, Audra met with U-M Musical Theatre students for a Q&A session.