A Chat with Deb Clancy, UMS’s DTE Energy Foundation Educator of the Year
Deb Clancy, liaison between the Washtenaw Intermediate School District and the UMS Youth Education Program, was recently recognized as the UMS’s 2010 DTE Energy Foundation Educator of the Year. Omari Rush, Youth Education Manager, caught up with her to talk about the role of arts in education.
UMS Announces 10/11 International Theater Series
UMS announces the five productions in its 10/11 International Theater Series, with four productions in the Power Center and one at the Matthaei Botanical Gardens.
Are there any arpas llaneras in the southeast Michigan area?
If you travel by air enough, eventually you’ll show up at your destination but your bags won’t. When this has happened to me, my missing luggage has eventually shown up, but it’s…
This Day in UMS History: Mahler’s Symphony No. 8 (March 23, 1997)
Leafing through the 1997 program book for a March event, this concert struck me because of two things: a letter written by Gerald R. Ford and a picture of Gustav Mahler.
If You’re Seeing Uncle Vanya on Sunday…
You’re invited to join a small informal discussion after you see Uncle Vanya on Sunday, March 28. We’ll provide light food and drinks at a restaurant near the venue immediately after the show, you provide the conversation. No strings attached—just a chance for you to talk with others who saw the same performance. Think “book club” but instead of a book we’ll be talking about Uncle Vanya.
UMS on TV!
Way back in January (it seems especially way back on this beautiful 63-degree day!), UMS was approached by Michigan Productions about being profiled on a TV show called “Out of the Blue”…
This Day in UMS History: Albert Spalding (March 16, 1936)
To dispel confusion: he is not the Albert Spalding who was a Hall of Fame baseball pitcher and who founded the sports equipment company. That Spalding (the pitcher) was Spalding’s (the violinist) uncle
Mahler and Me: Preparing Mahler’s Symphony No. 2 from a UMS Choral Union Perspective
As a member of the UMS Choral Union for the past three years, I have thoroughly enjoyed performing some of the great masterpieces of choral music: Handel’s Messiah, Verdi’s Requiem, and Beethoven’s…
This Day in UMS History: Artur Rubinstein (March 12, 1953)
There are a few musicians with whom I’d love to sit down and have a conversation. Bach, certainly, to ask him how he wrote such incredible counterpoint. Mozart, just to joke around with (although I also have a bone to pick with one of his doublings in the last movement of the D major K. 499 string quartet). Some I’d just be content to hear play: Paganini, for instance, or Joseph Joachim. Rubinstein fits into both categories: by all accounts his playing was arresting (certainly the recordings I’ve heard are), and, judging by his memoirs My Young Years, quite an entertaining companion as well.