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October 12, 2022

Donor Stories: What UMS Means to Me


UMS interviewed some long-time donors about what UMS has meant to them over the years, and why they choose to support UMS philanthropically.

Collectively these patrons have attended performances alone or with their spouses for more than 220 years. That’s a lot of performances!

Their stories share how they benefitted from UMS for many years and how grateful they are to be able to give back and support UMS for generations to come:

“Access to [Vladimir Horowitz] tickets in Ann Arbor was so much easier than in New York City.”

“We began attending in the fall of 1965. It allowed us as newlyweds to enjoy evenings with my parents…it was great to spend time with them enjoying an evening of music.”

“UMS does an incredible service to the community bringing all these good performers here. Participating in the chorus and making small donations lets you feel like you a part of an important thing that is going on.”

“UMS is about enriching the experiences for all of us and bringing together audiences and artists…good things come to Ann Arbor because of what UMS is able to introduce.”

“UMS is a jewel in the crown of the university without a doubt. And with philanthropy, too, it is a way for us to give back and a way to be sure that these things are available for generations to come.”

“I feel so great about our gifts supporting UMS in perpetuity. It makes us so happy to give to others what we have been given.”

We’re grateful to all of our donors who have committed to planned gifts to UMS so that future students, patrons, and audiences can continue to enjoy the same memorable arts experiences they have treasured over the years.

If you are inspired to join them in ensuring that UMS experiences remain accessible to future generations, please contact Marnie Reid in the UMS Development office at 734-647-1178 or